Planned Event - WZ - Traffic Engineering - Guardrail Repairs The north left shoulder and left lane are closed. On I-81 in the County of Augusta at mile marker 206.6, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/27/23 at 9:22 PM until 07/27/23 at 11:00 PM due to guardrail repairs. Planned Event - WZ - Utility/Permit - Utility/Permit Work Traffic backups are approximately 0.5 mile. On I-85 in the County of Mecklenburg from mile marker 11.2 to mile marker 8, motorists can expect minor delays in this area from 08/02/23 at 7:00 AM until 08/02/23 at 7:00 PM due to maintenance activities. Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Deck Repairs All south lanes are alternating closures. All north lanes are alternating closures. 1411N/S (Rockingham County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/28/23 at 7:00 AM until 07/28/23 at 5:30 PM due to bridge work. On VA-259 (E Lee St) in the County of Rockingham from N Main St ALT VA-259E/W, VA-42N/S to Shenandoah Ave Rt. Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Joint Repairs The north center lane, right lane, and right shoulder are alternating closures. On I-95 in the County of Chesterfield from mile marker 63 to mile marker 65, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/27/23 at 10:30 PM until 07/28/23 at 6:00 AM due to bridge work. I-95N from MM 63.0 to MM 65.0 View on Map Planned Event - WZ - Construction - Road Widening Project Activities The north right lane and right shoulder are closed. On I-81 in the County of Smyth from mile marker 39 to mile marker 40.5, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/27/23 at 7:00 PM until 07/28/23 at 6:00 AM due to construction activities. I-81N from MM 39.0 to MM 40.5 View on Map Planned Event - WZ - Maintenance - Paving Operations All south lanes are mobile, alternating closures. All north lanes are mobile, alternating closures. 600N/S (Shenandoah County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/28/23 at 7:00 AM until 07/28/23 at 5:00 PM due to paving operations. 661 in the County of Shenandoah from Old Valley Pike US-11N/S to Headley Rd Rt. 661N (Shenandoah County) from Old Valley Pike US-11N/S to Headley Rd Rt. Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Substructure Repairs 637N/S (Greene County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 05/19/23 at 7:00 AM until 12/15/23 at 5:00 PM due to bridge work. 638 (Turkey Ridge Rd) in the County of Greene from Bull Yearling Rd Rt. 638E (Greene County) at Turkey Ridge Rd View on Map