Local accidents today
Local accidents today

local accidents today

Planned Event - WZ - Traffic Engineering - Guardrail Repairs The north left shoulder and left lane are closed. On I-81 in the County of Augusta at mile marker 206.6, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/27/23 at 9:22 PM until 07/27/23 at 11:00 PM due to guardrail repairs. Planned Event - WZ - Utility/Permit - Utility/Permit Work Traffic backups are approximately 0.5 mile. On I-85 in the County of Mecklenburg from mile marker 11.2 to mile marker 8, motorists can expect minor delays in this area from 08/02/23 at 7:00 AM until 08/02/23 at 7:00 PM due to maintenance activities. Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Deck Repairs All south lanes are alternating closures. All north lanes are alternating closures. 1411N/S (Rockingham County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/28/23 at 7:00 AM until 07/28/23 at 5:30 PM due to bridge work. On VA-259 (E Lee St) in the County of Rockingham from N Main St ALT VA-259E/W, VA-42N/S to Shenandoah Ave Rt. Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Joint Repairs The north center lane, right lane, and right shoulder are alternating closures. On I-95 in the County of Chesterfield from mile marker 63 to mile marker 65, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/27/23 at 10:30 PM until 07/28/23 at 6:00 AM due to bridge work. I-95N from MM 63.0 to MM 65.0 View on Map Planned Event - WZ - Construction - Road Widening Project Activities The north right lane and right shoulder are closed. On I-81 in the County of Smyth from mile marker 39 to mile marker 40.5, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/27/23 at 7:00 PM until 07/28/23 at 6:00 AM due to construction activities. I-81N from MM 39.0 to MM 40.5 View on Map Planned Event - WZ - Maintenance - Paving Operations All south lanes are mobile, alternating closures. All north lanes are mobile, alternating closures. 600N/S (Shenandoah County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 07/28/23 at 7:00 AM until 07/28/23 at 5:00 PM due to paving operations. 661 in the County of Shenandoah from Old Valley Pike US-11N/S to Headley Rd Rt. 661N (Shenandoah County) from Old Valley Pike US-11N/S to Headley Rd Rt. Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Substructure Repairs 637N/S (Greene County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 05/19/23 at 7:00 AM until 12/15/23 at 5:00 PM due to bridge work. 638 (Turkey Ridge Rd) in the County of Greene from Bull Yearling Rd Rt. 638E (Greene County) at Turkey Ridge Rd View on Map

Local accidents today